The Quiet of Summer…
Well, it happened this morning. I drove into the LCS parking lot at 7:57 AM, and there were about five parked cars. Summer is here, and it is very quiet around campus. Although I do enjoy the extra thirty minutes in the morning (since our offices open at 8:00 AM instead of 7:30 AM), and wearing a bit more casual attire is a welcome perk, I still prefer the hustle and bustle of having our students on campus. Sometimes these quiet summer days can seem a bit looonnnggggg.
There is certainly plenty of work to be done here throughout the summer. But occasionally, like any other work place, there may be a day or two when things are a bit slower in the office. Likewise, even for you at home, there may be some days this summer when the pace is slower and the to-do list is not as long.
So how can we redeem this “down time” – enjoying the quiet, but still making progress toward productivity? offers a few practical suggestions that I think I will put to the test this summer. Maybe they will be helpful to you as well.
- Get organized
- Plan
- Network
- Build rapport with your team (family) and other colleagues
- Evaluate your goals
- Evaluate your use of time
- Learn
- Improve a process
- Catch up or get ahead
Rich with Reward . . .
It is truly a joy and a privilege to work here at LCS. The significance of the Kingdom work taking place year-round on this campus makes the busy and the slow days rich with reward. As you work, whether it is in an office or in your home, be reminded that as followers of Christ we are called to the charge of Colossians 3:23-24:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
Along with this calling we are assured of the enabling presence and power of the One who has called us. I am humbled and grateful to have a place to work that even on slow days seeks to honor our Lord and further His Kingdom.
Enjoy a blessed, and productive, summer!