But God Did…

Four years ago, I was in my 8th year of teaching 5th grade at LCS.  I loved teaching, but there was a part of my job that led me to begin praying for an opportunity to spend time leading the moms at LCS.  Let me explain…I realized through parent-teacher conferences with moms, that we were all struggling with the same things.  Moms would come to me feeling so hopeless about a situation that their child or family was going through…whether it was anxiety, feeling like their child had no friends, an academic struggle or parenting issues; I loved the opportunity that I had to pray with these moms.  I would empathize with them in their struggles and loved pointing them to God’s Word.  It was such an encouragement to me to partner with and build up other moms.  The conferences were always during my 40-minute break, so they went fast, but I had a desire to do more, to be more of an encourager to these moms that I so resonated with.  And so, I applied to be the Assistant Director of Advancement because I knew that there was an opportunity to come alongside the moms at LCS and point them to Christ during their parenting journey.

I have served as the Assistant Director of Advancement for the last three years, but I am excited to say that I will be going back into the classroom next year.  When something comes to an end, I like to take a look back to reflect, and nothing shows a greater reflection of the past like my prayer journal.  Let me share with you some of the things that I have prayed for over the last three years:

Healing for my friend who was diagnosed with cancer
Playing time for my son in his basketball games
Godly friends for my sons
Healing for Dean Johnson
Feeling led to leave the church we have attended for over 20 years
Wisdom/Energy/Discernment/Protection for my husband
A friend who was dealing with infidelity in her marriage
My sons will desire God’s will over earthly treasures
Godly leaders for my sons
Friend dealing with years of infertility
28 Shield Maiden Bible studies
I will learn to be quiet (I’m still working on this one.)
Mom/Dad both retiring
My sons’ tests…lots and lots of tests!!!  Especially math tests!
Margin/Time with my family/Ability to slow down
Leading our own community group at church
My sons will desire to be in the Word
Friend’s daughter moving away
Friend dealing with thyroid issues
Friend going through a divorce
My sons will be attracted to godly girls/their future wives
Friend’s husband having heart surgery
College decisions for my sons
Friend’s newborn daughter having heart issues
Son’s concussion
Dog dying
Friend’s son dealing with arthritis
New puppy will sleep!!!  New puppy will stop barking!!!
Spiritual growth for my sons at camp
Driver’s license tests
My sons’ job interviews
Mike Musick’s health
Financial provisions to get a car for my sons’ to share
New school year with Covid uncertainties
Friend’s husband lost his job/Provisions for their family
Mom whose husband has brain tumor
Racial Tension
My son leaving for college

As I looked through my prayer journals from the last three years, I realized that so many of my prayers had been answered!  My friend struggling with infertility had a healthy baby! God has protected my family! He has provided financially! And my puppy sleeps through the night! But, I also realized that sometimes God’s ways are not mine.  Many of the people that I was praying for died, two of the marriages that I was praying for ended in divorce, health concerns are still issues for several of the people that I was praying for.

After spending quite a bit of time reading through years of my prayers, I was overwhelmed with God’s faithfulness in my life. Although some of my request weren’t answered the way that I asked, God sustained.  Had you sat me down three years ago and read that list to me, I would have been filled with great anxiety…who is going to die, why will that marriage struggle, how will my son get a concussion, and what is COVID?  Obviously, I had no idea what the next three years held, BUT GOD DID. He knew that my dog would die, He knew that my friend’s husband would lose his job, and God knew that my friend’s newborn daughter would have heart issues.

I say this in every blog, and this one is no different…spend time with GodRead His WordHe knows what’s comingHe is preparing you. He is walking alongside you.  He is guiding you in ways that you might not otherwise go.  I can’t stress it enough, but write down your prayer requests so that you can look back and be reminded of God’s faithfulness.  There will come a day when you need that reminder…when God seems silent, and when things look hopeless. 

As I get ready to embark on a new journey in my career, my son is going away to college and my younger son is starting his senior year; I look forward to the day when I can look back on the next few years and see just how faithful God was to me.