Eleven Questions to Ask Yourself As You Parent Your Children

– This Viking Views blog written by: Luci O’Byrne, Elementary Principal

Every single day, as I watch the young children of LCS, I am reminded of how the Lord has designed each of us; we are all uniquely and wonderfully made (Ps. 139). I have had the privilege of watching many little ones grow socially, emotionally, spiritually and academically over the past 25 years of my career in early childhood education.

My firstborn graduated last year. Wow…time flies! As I think about my 18 years as a parent, here are some of the questions that I have asked myself over the years:

  1. Does my child see me reading the Bible?
  2. Do I engage in heart-to-heart, biblical discussion with my child? (Do this at a young age or they won’t engage in deep conversations with you as they grow older!)
  3. Does my child obey promptly? (Start expecting this when they are toddlers!)
  4. Am I spending quality time with my child? Is my phone distracting me?
  5. Are we eating enough meals together as a family?
  6. Do I go on enough walks with my child, and talk to them about things along the way?
  7. Do I pray with and for my child enough?
  8. Does my child have too much screen time, whether it’s on the phone, TV or iPad?
  9. Does my child get enough sleep at night?
  10. Do we play board games together, cook or bake together (it’s an awesome way to develop math skills!), and play outside together?
  11. Do I go on “dates” while my child (one child at a time)?

When I evaluated my actions as a mom and thought about these questions, I had to answer “no” to some of them. I have definitely messed up along the way, but I am so thankful for my Savior who gives me grace as I try to parent my children well.

I encourage you to ask yourself these questions. Parenting is a difficult journey, and we can only manage it with Christ leading the way.

My firstborn is now in her first year of college, and I’m so thankful for the time I invested in her.

At Lakeland Christian School, we want to partner with you to help your children develop emotionally, spiritually, socially and academically – from their preschool years all the way through the time they graduate.

I invite you to come check us out, tour the school, meet our teachers and watch our kids in action. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at lobyrne@lcsonline.org.