Honoring Those Who Have Honored Us
We are truly blessed to have such wonderful faculty, staff, administration, students and LCS families. So, when one of our team transitions into another season of life, we are all moved and touched by the changes. Here are a few of the magnificent people who have invested time, love and care into the LCS family and are now moving on, to a new chapter in their story.
Steven Livesay, Secondary Math Teacher

- How long have you been with the LCS family?
- 21 Years
- Do you have a most memorable moment at LCS?
- Seeing the faces of the children at the Troxel Family Life Center for Women and Children light up when LCS students assisted me every Wednesday afterschool to mentor, tutor and play games with the children.
- What will you miss the most about your LCS job?
- The LCS community.
- What do you hope to leave as your LCS legacy?
- A strong math department with great teachers and students that love to learn difficult subjects.
- What will retirement look like for you after LCS?
- I am moving to Georgia to be near family. I am not retiring, but I will continue to teach Secondary Mathematics in Georgia.
Denise Fie, Secondary Spanish Teacher

- How long have you been with the LCS family?
- I have been teaching here for 13 years.
- Do you have a most memorable moment at LCS?
- My most memorable moment would be when I face-planted in front of the entire school during a staff-student competition game! I still have it on video! It’s classic!
- What will you miss the most about your LCS job?
- I will miss my students and all of my school family.
- What do you hope to leave as your LCS legacy?
- For my legacy, I leave fun-filled memories of my alter-ego teaching assistants – FietheSpy and Madame Fee Fee!
- What will retirement look like for you after LCS?
- My husband and I will be moving to Amarillo, Texas to help raise our granddaughter and a slew of farm animals! Adios!
Terri Evans, Secondary Bible, English and Theater

- How long have you been with the LCS family?
- I have been teaching at LCS for 24 years. I started in 1997. However, I became part of the LCS family in 1992 when my son Danny entered 7th grade at LCS. My other three children (Trisha, Joshua, and Julie) began attending LCS in 1993.
- Do you have a most memorable moment at LCS?
- The new athletic center (REAC) was to be named after my husband and dedicated at the football game on October 27, 2016. All of our children and grandchildren made plans to come for the dedication. Somehow, we kept this secret from my husband for months. However, his condition worsened, and at the beginning of that week, his doctors decided to perform surgery on Wednesday, October 26. Since there was NO way he would make the game the next night, a group of LCS administrators and staff showed up in the waiting room at the hospital and dedicated the REAC in front of a very small audience (our family). He was absolutely baffled and humbled. The hospital staff immediately whisked him to surgery as soon as that small event was over. However . . . the next day, Roger asked his doctors for a pass to go to the game. Through a lot of rigamarole (Alabama word), he was given a four-hour pass where he was able to accept the plaque (again) during halftime. Surrounded by so many who had faithfully prayed for us during our three-year journey, we knew we were truly loved by the Body of Christ.
3. What will you miss the most about your LCS job?
I will miss just about everything. I will miss my students, my co-workers, and my administrators.
4. What do you hope to leave as your LCS legacy?
I hope my students remember my teaching them that nothing is as important as a relationship with the Lord. I hope they remember that I loved them all of the time, and enjoyed them most of the time.
5. What will retirement look like for you after LCS?
I am retiring to help out with the newest addition to my family, AKA Baby Katie. I plan to continue living with my daughter Trisha and her family in Lakeland, but I will spend half of each week with my daughter Julie (Katie’s mother) who lives in Orlando. I still plan to be very involved with LCS, directing the musicals and plays as well as attending the football games, soccer games, basketball games, and recitals of my grandchildren.

Kay Henry, Kindergarten Teacher

- How long have you been with the LCS family?
- I have been teaching at LCS for 20 years-6 years 1st grade and 14 kindergarten.
- Do you have a most memorable moment at LCS?
- I have had so many wonderful memories!
- What will you miss the most about your LCS job?
- I will miss this loving family. Over the years when we had loved staff move to heaven, we came together to love and support each other and the families. I love how we rejoiced with each other over weddings, grandbabies. I love the way we love and care for each other. Thank you for the prayers, texts, cards, and gifts when I was so sick recently. I’m sure I will miss each of you so much.
- Our school parents are amazing! They love and care for us. I appreciated all the support over the years. I now have so many cherished friends. Not to mention all my little bears over the 20 year!! I’ve had the best classes ever!
- What do you hope to leave as your LCS legacy?
- Legacy? Operation Christmas Child- God put it on my heart 20 years ago when Nancy Snyder had the elementary students(not sure which grade) perform a play involving Operation Christmas Child. It was awesome. The next year I got permission to start the shoebox drive. We’ve touch thousands of lives for Jesus. This year was our highest number of boxes-480 and began a Shoebox Kids Club.
- What will retirement look like for you after LCS?
- We plan to sell our house, purchase a motor home, travel, and then relocate in Colorado Springs, Co. to be near my daughter and new son-in-law(since August). Hopefully, be a grandma one day(not anytime soon). We talked about wintering back here-not sure we can handle the snow.