Is your soon-to-be-four year old ready to join the LCS family?
We are excited to grow our LCS family one little person at a time!

At LCS, we take seriously our calling to love, teach and prepare our students for the road ahead. As our mission statement reads, we “…educate students in the light of God’s Word to equip them for a lifetime of learning, leadership, service and worship.”
Is your son or daughter ready to join the fun, loving and safe environment that LCS has to offer? Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help evaluate if your soon-to-be-four year old is ready:
1) Is your child potty trained?
2) Can your child handle separating from you?
3) Have you set up a regular time to read with your child each day?
4) Can your child sit and entertain themselves (without a screen in front of them) for 10-15 minutes? Will they color or play with Legos? Maybe they prefer to play with toys, put a puzzle together, or play with playdough?
If you answered “yes” to these questions, your child is most likely ready to join! And it’s time to reserve your childs’ seat!
Here’s how…
For new families:
Come in for a tour as soon as possible! If you have not seen our campus in action, you are missing out! Come take a look at our various classes and observe how we strive to meet the needs of every child. Setting up a tour is easy, contact our Director of Enrollment, Julie Rice ( and she will host you!
For current LCS families:
It is important for you to apply as soon as the application becomes available, please don’t wait! In the past, we have had children of “current families” end up on the wait pool list because they waited too long to apply for their K4 child.
New student applications for the 2020-2021 school year will be available on November 25, 2019. New families can access the online application at:, while current families can log into the Family Portal at to begin their application.
Once you’ve submitted your child’s application and provided the required documentation, you will be contacted by Mary Fairchild, our registrar, to schedule their K4 entrance screening and the parent interview. This is my favorite part! A special opportunity for me to get to know you and your child. I get my first glimpse into your childs’ personality and unique interests.
Lastly, after all the paperwork and screening process has been completed, your child’s file will be reviewed by our admissions committee for “acceptance,” and you have one last step before your little one starts…
Complete your online enrollment. After you have been notified of your child’s official “acceptance”, Mary Fairchild will send you the instructions on how to complete the online enrollment packet (via email). This is the last step of the enrollment process. In order to confirm a reserved seat for your child, it is very important that you complete this final online step.
This may seem like a lot, quite an ordeal just to get your little one started at LCS. But I can assure you that our enrollment team will walk you through every step of the way. You never have to worry about feeling confused or overwhelmed.
Our enrollment process is detailed because we find it a privilege to be a part of this family, and a privilege to be entrusted with your childs’ educational experience. We want to offer a unique and caring environment for all the children at LCS and we would be honored to extend that to your child too.