Our Students Never Fail to Impress

In February of 2021, Mrs. Wilkinson’s 6th grade class was studying Greek history and given the assignment to research both Athens and Sparta. Based on their research, students were to choose a city-state to “join”. Students had to pretend that one of their first jobs (as a new citizen in their city-state) was to help promote the city-state to outside visitors and potential new citizens. Their job was to create an advertisement that persuaded the reader to choose to visit (or become a citizen) of their city-state.

One students’ work in Mrs. Wilkinson’s class really stood out. Jake Wittman created a “Newspaper Article” to communicate to outside visitors some of the unique qualities of Athens. Here is what Jake had to say:

Jake Wittman – 6th Grade Student

What new information did you learn about Athens and Sparta that was most interesting to you?

It was fascinating to learn about how the Athens treated their people (mainly the poor treatment of women and slaves was most surprising). Learning about the ways their governments were set up, and that the Spartans found ways to legally kill their slaves.

What was your favorite part of the assignment?

Reading all the history and doing all the research that taught me the interesting differences between the Athenians and the Spartans.

And lastly, Jake, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Maybe… a teacher!

A history teacher? You seem to really enjoy history.

Maybe! But I can only teach through 6th grade.

When our students succeed, we ALL succeed.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice…”

Romans 12:15

Thank you Jake for letting us share your work!