Trusting God’s Perfect Enrollment Story . . .

Some of you may have noticed in the second half of the school year some door hanger signs with 94% printed on them and wondered about their meaning. Each year we set an internal goal for our re-enrollment. Some years we have met that goal and some years we have not. Rest assured that for the past several years Lakeland Christian School has had a very healthy re-enrollment of 90% or higher.

However, we are not defined by, and our joy and hope is not determined by, meeting a certain predetermined re-enrollment percentage goal.

I have worked here at LCS for 15 years and every single year I have heard Dr. Sligh pray that God would assemble just the right student body and faculty for our school. And every year He does! I believe that God knows what we need far better than what we think we need. And every student who enrolls and every student who does not reenroll is a part of God’s story for our LCS family. We have the privilege of joining His story each year.

I am so grateful for our teachers. The work they do day in and day out on behalf of our students is simply stunning! They are the reason our families return each year. I have to thank our teachers for persevering with students who are challenging and sometimes make their work more difficult. Our teachers are a picture of how Christ loves us even when we challenge his wisdom and we are difficult.

I am equally grateful for all of our staff – administrators, administrative assistants, maintenance and cafeteria staff – for the blessing they are to our school families. Many of us consider our LCS community to be a part of our extended family. I think we would all agree that loving family well is hard work! We are all broken and in desperate need of Jesus’ saving grace. What a privilege it is to serve in a place where the ultimate goal is that we would honor the ONE who every single day extends that grace to us and then empowers us to be able to extend it to others.

Please pray for a healthy re-enrollment, as well as the addition of new families, for the 2019-20 school year. God has a perfect story written and I can’t wait to meet all the people who will be a part of that story. Have a blessed summer and know that we are excited for you to be a part of the LCS family!