Reflections: Looking Back, Looking Forward


Recently I was walking from my car into the office when I heard a gentleman call out my name.  After a brief exchange, he mentioned that he and his wife had just calculated that this was their 50th academic year at LCS.  Their youngest of four will graduate in June, and this dad was full of gratitude for the impact Lakeland Christian School has had on his children.  My mind immediately focused on the long-term commitment this family made some twenty years ago as they were confronted with a variety of choices for educating their children.

Counting the cost

Starting that first child in the second grade was certainly a leap of faith, but knowing that there were more siblings to follow meant sacrifice.  How does a family prepare for such an investment?  For many it means contentment with that smaller home or that older model vehicle.  It means creating a budget and living within your means.  For each family this looks different, but each requires a prayerful commitment to set aside the necessary resources to meet your obligations.

Looking back

Since retiring several months ago I have been working on collecting and cataloging the school’s historical information.  This process has been a good reminder that over the past sixty years, thousands have gone before and sacrificed so that we can enjoy this very special place we call “Lakeland Christian School.”  For many, this has involved an investment of their lives to educate children in the light of God’s Word.  Others have provided the leadership necessary to navigate the storms of time.  And many have invested their financial resources in this place.  I am reminded that none of this would be necessary if it weren’t for our parents who trust us with their most precious gifts…their children.

Looking forward

“We press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  Won’t you commit to pray daily for your children, their teachers, and for God’s continued faithfulness to Lakeland Christian School?  With God’s blessing and your support, we will run the race before us, looking unto Jesus, to accomplish His work in the lives of many present and future generations.