Staff Selfie – Jaron Yeater

Name: Jaron Yeater
Classes you teach:  8th and 9th grade Bible

Family: I am married to Mrs. Beth Yeater and have three wonderful kids – Josiah, Lizzy, & Esther

College/degrees: I have a BA in Educational Ministries and Bible from Moody Bible Institute Chicago.

Three random facts about you: 1. I was a street performer in Chicago. 2. I can balance an 8 foot table on my face. 3. I am a champion racquetball player.

Most memorable/funny/interesting teaching moment:  Trying to express my yearly goals for the students, “I want you to fall in love this year…no with Jesus!”

What is your favorite cafeteria lunch?  BBQ Chicken

If you didn’t teach, what would you do? I would be a mad scientist/inventor/philosopher…

Class you wish you could teach at LCS: The most adventurous class offered at LCS, Driver’s Ed. Talk about putting your life on the line for learning!

Favorite verse:John 15:16

Favorite topic to teach during the year:John 13-17 – Christ’s high priestly prayer and final words to His disciples before going to the cross.