An LCS Christmas Poem
‘Tis the week before Christmas break, and all through the school,Excitement runs high as a general rule;
The students are wired, and the faculty, too;
As the holidays loom, when we bid classes adieu.
The rehearsals are over, the Christmas musical’s here,
When the school family gathers to share the good cheer;
That flows from our hearts at this special time,
When we reflect on our Savior, and His great gift sublime.
For we in our lowly and selfish estate,
Do struggle to grasp our great need that’s innate;
Turned in on ourselves and our accumulation of stuff,
It’s hard to appreciate our redemption enough.
That our Savior would leave His great heavenly home,
Enter our world in the flesh, endure the cross for his own;
Virgin birth, sinless life, the cross, empty tomb,
His eternal plan of redemption has reached its full bloom.
As we gather together as families and friends,
Let’s examine our hearts, for offense make amends;
May we reflect on the grace God has offered to us,
And extend it to others, cut down on the fuss.
May we start the New Year with our eyes fixed on Him,
May our focus on us, grow a little more dim;
May we model forgiveness and Shalom in this place,
May LCS be known as an expression of His Grace.
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!