Huddle Up!
I likened it to someone kicking an anthill. The boys just kind of swarmed around one another next to their buddy, not really knowing what to say or what to do. They just knew they wanted to be close to each other. Somehow that helped. These fifth grade boys were huddled together at the front of the church after the funeral for the mother of the one in the middle of the bunch. It was evidence of community. It was unsophisticated and simple but it was very, very real.
In the past few days the LCS family has experienced the unexpected death of a student and a father as well as the passing of a school mom and LCS alumna after a long battle with cancer. These are sad and sobering experiences for the school community. The shadow of grief falls across various grades, churches, and alumni and there is a pervasive sense of loss. The class of 2015 has experienced the passing of three parents in the last three months. This is a very hard Providence.
Grief with Hope
As members of the LCS family of families, we “rejoice with those that rejoice, and weep with those that weep.” (Romans 12:15) We share in one another’s victories and likewise in our sorrows. However, the apostle Paul reminds us that we grieve, “but not as others who have no hope.” (I Thessalonians 4:13) It is healthy to grieve well in our loss. It hurts. A wide range of conflicting emotions emerge within us. As believers we strive to continually allow our focus to gravitate to the hope of the gospel, the resurrection, and the reality that one day all will be made new.
As I have visited with these families in their time of loss, they have all expressed their deep appreciation for how so many of you have embraced them, supported them, and demonstrated care by countless acts of kindness in so many practical ways. It is during times like these that our community shows itself strong on behalf of one another.
There have been many stories of how students have cared for one another and have been supportive both to their peers and to those adults facing such sadness and loss. This speaks well of the bond that is formed over time between students and between students and the parents of their friends. This opportunity for cross generational connection is a great benefit of a close-knit school community.
With Appreciation
I am deeply appreciative of our teachers who have been tender shepherds for their students in these difficult days. They have labored faithfully through their tears to minister to those children entrusted to their care.
Thanks to all who have demonstrated commitment to community during these difficult days. I appreciate so much how our school family has responded to these recent events as well as to a variety of other situations in the past. Let us “continue to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,” (Hebrews 10:24). We look forward to the ultimate LCS reunion one day when the community will be complete once again!